If you have ten minutes to spare, grab a cup of coffee and listen to the gentle voice of Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury 2002-12, speaking about what waiting means in Advent. For those of you keeping track, today we are wishing Jane Austen a Happy 245th Birthday! Thank you, our dear lady, for giving us so many more years of joy and love and laughter than you were able to enjoy yourself. In the time-honored tradition of giving gifts in celebration, today I am offering an Continue reading.
Advent 1682 K965

Our annual Holiday Season program has become one of the most popular events in our Southern Nevada AGO Chapter's Recital Series. Normally, these programs have showcased organ music or organ music with instruments of the Advent-Christmas season. Advent (16) Advent Covers Prepare for the coming of Jesus Christ. General Advent – Colorful Add to cart; Advent is a Time Of Add to cart; Advent – Joy Add to cart.
Hail Most Loving Little Jesus
Hail Most Gracious Motherof Mercy
Hail Most Loving Little Jesus,
In Preparation for Christmas Day

Hail, most lovinglittle Jesus, sweetest love, far above all created love! I greet Thee,and in the desires of all Christendom I embrace Thee.
Hail, most charminglittle Jesus, noble Child of Nazareth, full rose of Jericho, bloomingflowerfrom Heaven! Draw our hearts to Thyself and refresh them with Thysweetness.
Hail, most lovable littleJesus, living Bread ot Bethlehem, innocent Lamb of Jerusalem,newly-bornKing of Judea! Receive us into the number of Thy chosen servants.
Hail,most beautiful little Jesus, watchful Shepherd of the Heavenly sheep,belovedfellow-Brother of all the children of men, delicate flower planted bytheHoly Spirit in the virgin heart of Mary, bright daybreak rising out ofthe dark night to the joy of the whole earth! Drive away from us thedarknessof sin.
Glory and praise be to Thee, tender, sweet little Jesus! From thedepthsof my heart I pray and adore Thee because for the love of me and of allmankind Thou wert willing to lie in the manger and to suffer such greatpoverty and misery. I thank and adore Thy tender limbs and Thy tenderhandsand feet, and I praise the inexpressible love which drew Thee forthfromthe bosom of the Heavenly Father, down to a poor and miserable stable.
Glory and praise be to Thee, noble little Jesus! I greet and praiseTheewith the same fervent love with which Thy mother loved and praised Theeso intensely.
Glory and praise be to Thee, most beloved little Jesus, sweet delightofeternal bliss. I greet and praise Thee with the same love which madeTheeleave Heaven and become a poor Child.
Glory and praise be to Thee, most precious little Jesus, joy and honorof Thy Heavenly Father! I thank Thee through Thine Own sweet HeartwhichThou didst reveal to the whole world through Thy birth. I greet Theeoverand over again, most beautiful little Jesus, sweetest delight of theFather'sHeart, refreshment of sick souls. I offer to Thee my own heart for Thyeternal glory and service.
Advent 1682 K965 Manual
Jesus, crown, love, joy, bliss of virgins! Thy love made Thee the Sonofa Virgin. May Thou be glorified and praised forever. Amen.
(St. Gertrude)
Hail Most Gracious Mother ofMercy
Hail, most gracious Mother of mercy! Hail,Mary for whom we fondly yearn and through whom we obtain forgiveness!Whowould not love thee? Thou art our light in uncertainty, our comfort insorrow, our consolation in trial and our refuge from every danger andtemptation.Thou art our sure hope of salvation, second only to thine only-begottenSon. Happy are they who love thee, Our Lady! I beg of thee, listengraciouslyto the prayers of this thy servant, a miserable sinner. Scatter thedarknessof my sins by the bright beams of
thy holiness so that I may be pleasing inthy sight.

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